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Showing posts from April, 2012

is it possible?

Study abroad has been every Indonesian student’s dream including student of EEPIS. Executive Student Organization of EEPIS see this as a good reason to held an “International Scholarship Expo” in campus. Along with PENS Carnival, this event held on Saturday 28th 2012 by Ministry of Student Welfare Executive Student Organization of EEPIS.  brochures and books on the table   There were thousand students from many campus join on theater, the place where ISE was held and there were four presentation from different country which are France, Australia, Netherland, and Taiwan. Lets check it out one by one :   France Bonjour ! welcome to ISE, we are from Campus France, which is a national organization to promote French higher education. that was they said, sounds ordinary right? But in fact is not like that, they introduce their self in French language, what a language! No one on theater knew what was the meaning, me also! haha, they were seriously confusin...

Demo - First Experience

”Taman Flora- Bratang akan dieksekusi tanggal 29 Juni 2010” kampanye tolak komersialisasi taman flora Begitulah bunyi headline salah satu surat kabar nasional. Benar-benar gawat! Taman flora yang merupakan hutan kota terbesar yang masih ada di bumi Indonesia ini tiba-tiba akan dieksekusi dan diambil alih oleh pihak swasta tanggal 29 Juni nanti ?? Tidaaakk !! tanpa berpikir panjang lagi saya segera mengambil hp dan mengirim sms ke Akbar, teman saya yang tergabung dalam Tunas Hijau Club. Saya segera menghubungi dia karena selama ini Tunas Hijau-lah yang gencar mencari dukungan untuk menolak eksekusi tersebut. Beberapa hari sebelum itupun mereka telah menggelar aksi dengan mengundang ratusan anak sekolah mulai TK, SD, SMP sampai SMA bahkan ada dari perguruan tinggi untuk  membuat yel-yel sebagai bentuk penolakan mereka. Saya yakin mereka pasti akan menggelar aksi lagi untuk mempertahankan taman flora. pernyataan menolak yang tegas ! Dugaan saya benar! Mereka akan...


when someone growing older, it is not about sweet ice cream or this cute toys or even this colourful pencil ANYMORE it is more complicated mid test, aargh wroking overnight yes, it is about money seek a job but, one simple thing is that Allah will never leave us in every condition, except we did ! “And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided”. (2:186) thank you Allah :)

Stuck : Day Left Without Producing Something

nothing today, not even a piece of idea. stop thinking, stop making an idea, then brain function will be decreased. a day left  without producing something. it is a waste. bounded means not free again, it will set away a dream. maybe something went wrong, check the relationship with Allah SWT. if it not goes well, then that is the problem.