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is it possible?

Study abroad has been every Indonesian student’s dream including student of EEPIS. Executive Student Organization of EEPIS see this as a good reason to held an “International Scholarship Expo” in campus. Along with PENS Carnival, this event held on Saturday 28th 2012 by Ministry of Student Welfare Executive Student Organization of EEPIS. 

brochures and books on the table
There were thousand students from many campus join on theater, the place where ISE was held and there were four presentation from different country which are France, Australia, Netherland, and Taiwan. Lets check it out one by one :


Bonjour ! welcome to ISE, we are from Campus France, which is a national organization to promote French higher education. that was they said, sounds ordinary right? But in fact is not like that, they introduce their self in French language, what a language! No one on theater knew what was the meaning, me also! haha, they were seriously confusing us.

limited brochure, got it :)

Well, that’s okey, lets get it on. France, country known because its popular tourism place, was also known as a good country to get education. Why France? First, France is a country full of history proved by its great old architecture building, museum, and arts. 

tour eiffel
La Jaconde by Leonardo Da Vinci

Second, Le Tour de France which is a tourism program to bike all over France. 
looks fun isn't it?

Third, low cost high quality education, tuition fee in France is varied, form 170 Euro (IDP 12.000) until 300 Euro a year. They accepted three models of education which are :

  1. High school to Bachelor
  2. Diploma to Bachelor
    The point that must be remember here is, the student must contact the university by their self to get through the university. 
  3. Bachelor to Master 
    Different with above program, here the student must fullfil all the requirement such as transcript in english, TOEFL (>500)/IELTS (6.0)/IBT score, Research plan, an essay of motivation, and letter of recomendation from university 
  4.  Master to PhD

Dont worry about scholarship, there are some scholarship programs offer to student which are from France government and foreign company like Danone, LG, Hermes, Canon, etc. For more Campus France information, go surfing at, find your interest there, Mercy !


Taraaa, we have been flew to France, now, welcome to Australia, country known from its cute kangaroo animal. Who don’t know about Australia? Most Indonesian people must know this country, it is at the south side of Indonesia, and close enough about 6-8 hours journey using airplane.  
cangaroo or kangaroo?
Sidney opera house

That makes Australia recommended for Indonesian people. Besides, the education quality is good. The presentation was deliver by IDS (Indonesia Development Program) work together with the Australia Embassy. Australia offer some higher education programs for foreign student which are : 

  1. High school to Bachelor
  2. Diploma to Bachelor
    The point that must be remember here is, the student must contact the university by their self to get through the university. 
  3. Bachelor to Master 
    Different with above program, here the student must fullfil all the requirement such as transcript in english, TOEFL (>500)/IELTS (6.0)/IBT score, Research plan, an essay of motivation, and letter of recomendation from university 
  4.  Master to PhD
Same as France education right? Don’t worry about the scholarship, Australia offer some scholarship programs which are :

  1. ADS (Australia Development Scholarship)
  2. Endeavour program
  3. Australia Leadership Award (ALA)
  4. Australia Award

For more information about the scholarship programs, please visit, thank you!  


Hallo allemaal ! This was an interesting presentation deliver by NIS. They played us a video showed Indonesian students's experience in Netherland. Waaow, that was totaly made us super duper jealous! yes, we were willing to get the same experience too (wish Allah listen to our prayer, hehe). 

other brochure

Netherland, had a sensitif history with Indonesia, but now people of Indonesia almost forget about that, proved by number of Indonesian people in Netherland (about hundred people, Subhanallah). So, why Netherland is recommended? Because Netherland government will give foreign student Europe visa so they can go to every country in Europe without being afraid of its legality! Cool isn’t it? haha. Netherland also have these following higher education model :

  1. High school to Bachelor
  2. Diploma to Bachelor
    The point that must be remember here is, the student must contact the university by their self to get through the university. 
  3. Bachelor to Master 
    Different with above program, here the student must fullfil all the requirement such as transcript in english, TOEFL (>500)/IELTS (6.0)/IBT score, Research plan, an essay of motivation, and letter of recomendation from university 
  4.  Master to PhD

Netherland national football team

There are also some scholarships program which are fullbright scholarship and parsial scholarship. Everyone must be willling to get fullbright scholarship, that’s normal, who don’t want to study overseas without pay anything? But, the requirement is so very very complicated, and the aplicants are thousand ! wew, killing me softly (hehe). yet, it is worth. Wait, don’t give up please, for people who really want to study in Netherland, there is a parsial scholarship, the student have to pay 10-30 percent of tuition fee about 400 Euro (IDR 12.000) a year and provide living cost by his/her self about 900 Euro (IDR 12.000) a month. 

the beauty of Netherland

Okey, that’s it about Netherland higher education, for more information go get it on, Dank u!


Most people know Taiwan as a part of China, but it is different. China is a communist country and Taiwan is a Republic. So, the environment is not too different with Indonesia. Recently Taiwan open a wide opportunity for foreign student to study in their university. They accepted about five thousand foreign student per semester, it means ten thousand student a year! wuuuiiih. Good presentation opening right? Of couse, because the presentation was deliver by TEC (Taiwan Education Center), which is a Taiwan Embassy representation to promote Taiwan higher education.

best university in Taiwan

Why should we choose Taiwan? There are many reasons to answer that question. First, Taiwan is a development country and known as its modern technology, second, don’t worry about halal food because they provide halal food in every campus, third, Taiwan has many kind of cultural thing and the people is multicultural, fourth, student can also develop their hobby in Taiwan, there is no limitation for foreign people to be productive, and so on. 

Taipei 101
they have traditional dance too :)

Moreover, the selection is not as complicated as others country, the aplicant has just sent documents requirement without being interviewed. Taiwan, has some education and scholarship programs same as Netherland. These are the following programs :
  1. High school to Bachelor
  2. Diploma to Bachelor
    The point that must be remember here is, the student must contact the university by their self to get through the university. 
  3. Bachelor to Master 
    Different with above program, here the student must fullfil all the requirement such as transcript in english, TOEFL (>500)/IELTS (6.0)/IBT score, Research plan, an essay of motivation, and letter of recomendation from university 
  4.  Master to PhD

festival !

The scholarship program is the same as Netherland. Fullbright and parsial scholarship. But, the most different thing is living cost in Taiwan is not as expensive as Netherland, is not too different with living cost in Jakarta, Indonesia. Taiwan, has become a new powerful educational country in the world. Like usual, for more information go click this, or visit the facebook in Taiwan Education Center, Xie xie !

still willing?
Well, still willing to study overseas? Or become afraid of the cost? Please, don’t be worry guys, in those country, foreign student can do a part time job about 10 hours a week (may be different, depend on its country policy). Then, the scholarship will always given to us as long as we show a good attitude in using the money. Indonesian government also provide a scholarship to study overseas, check it on Be active to get more information about study overseas, the rest are intention, effort, and tawakal (Mr. Rusminto said at the beginning of the event). Espiriiiiiiiit !!

bismillah :)


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