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beautiful maple tree :)

Someday, There are a mapple trees outside the windows that looks so beautiful when morning comes, the birds perch in those mapple trees singing a morning harmony . A boy ride his bike throw the newspaper and say good morning loudly to everyone. The unseparated wife and husband sit in front of their home talking each other happily. Don’t forget about the street, it getting crowd with people walk along sidewalk. The Television broadcasting morning news telling everyone what were happened in the world this morning. Well, Open the windows and let the fresh air blows into the room is the best thing to do in such morning (besides praying of course).
Someday, The people are gathering at the beautiful park outside the block. The walking tour along  the park filled with mapple trees on the left side of the street. Meeting the neighbour, the kids with their parents, a group of girls and boys in bicycle, skateboard or just walking is another view along the street.  They talk each other about anything, school, movies, books, musics, festival, anything ! the spring seems like spread its spirit to everyone. A smiley faces, blossom flowers, fresh mapple trees with a strong colour, and a bless heart living in a bless earth.
How kind God is, created those beautiful things for human to enjoy. How is spring feels? How is the mapple leave texture feels in this hand? How it feels living with the people that have so many differences? In physical, culture, religion, foods and even the languange. How is the feeling to be around them? How is the feeling to stand in another side of this continent, in another side of this round earth? God, I want to answer those questions, someday. . .


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