Ive been thinking about being a spy is cool. I dont know if it because I watched too many Hollywood movies or what but I do feel it must be a good idea being a spy, hahaha. I grew up with James Bond Series, Alias Series, CSI Series, Salt, Mission Impossible Series, The Bourne Series, Mr and Mrs Smith, XXX Series, etc. See? Isn’t it cool when an ordinary “human being”, same as me, can be that superior in every part of their self? They have a high IQ, strong in physical, good in fighting, and almost have no emotions! How could? They just genius and strong at the same time. Moreover, something that I failed to imagine was how could they always get through a chaos? The bullet even can touch them at all ! Is it true they are exist in this real world? If it yes, I’d really really love to be like them. So just don’t talk to me about spying thing, FBI, CIA, NSA, Special Agent, KGB, etc, because damn, Iam obsessed!
Sunday, Sept 15th 13, 11:04.
After watching “The Bourne Legacy”
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