I think Iam insane. As I grew up I found something weird
inside of me. To be honest I have ever felt loneliness sometimes, easily get
bored, mood swings quickly, unfocused, and not worth it. I dont think a girl
used to be felt those kind of feelings. I know it sounds silly but I thought I was mentally
sick or something wrong in psychologically. Am I crazy? Iam so worried that it
took me into psychological test online. I was so afraid of the results. Then voilaa!
Alhamdulillaah, thanks God, there was no indication of mental sickness in me. But
I still wonder what is wrong with me? And then, once more, Alhamdulillaah, I
finally knew what was my problem. It was an ignorance of myself. I couldnt
answer a question “Who Am I”? because I never try to understand myself. As an
action to answer that question, I took a personality test The Myers–Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI). After took the test I no longer think that Iam insane. I now
begin to understand myself better. My strengh and weakness. It is true that to
love is to understand. And to love yourself, you should begin to understand
yourself. So, if you ever think the same thing as Iam, dont judging, okey? Just
try to explore yourself more. I bet you’ll find something surprising inside of
you. Good luck!
Pas pergantian tahun kemarin pada ngerayain nggak teman-teman? Kalau saya entah kenapa dari dulu nggak terlalu excited sama yang namanya tahun baruan. Mungkin karena sejak dulu sama orang tua nggak dibolehin kemana-mana juga pas malam tahun baru hehe. Paling yang bikin excited biasanya pas malam tahun baru ada film bagus yang ditayangin di tv. Meski sekarang nggak terlalu excited juga sih karena zaman sekarang sudah bisa download film terbaru di internet, eh, hehe. Lagipula menurut saya merayakan pergantian tahun sebegitu hebohnya juga pemborosan. Toh pergantian tahun juga sama seperti hari-hari biasa kan. Apakah ada yang special? Let me know if you do. Apalagi sebagai seorang muslim pergantian tahun baru kita sebetulnya itu bukan tahun Masehi tapi Hijriah yaitu setiap tanggal 1 Muharram. Peristiwa bersejarah hijrahnya Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Mekkah ke Madinah menjadi awal perhitungan kalender dalam islam. Tapii bukan berarti mesti diperingati dengan heboh dan boros juga yaa. Alangkah ...
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