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Showing posts from 2019

Trying Zam Cosmetics (Yay or Nay?)

Hellooo everyone, have you ever heard anything about Zam Cosmetics? What do you think about the brand? Actually for these past few months I have been looking for a local skin care and I want it to be halal, natural, and affordable of course. Someday, accidentally when I was scrolling on instagram, I found a local brand owned by one of the well known Indonesian actress, Zaskia Adya Mecca, Zam Cosmetics. I didn’t know that this brand has a skin care products. I am so happy that finally I found a local skin care that matches my categories. To find more information about the product, I went into their instagram ( ). Natural skin care, halal cosmetics and skincare certified by MUI clearly shown in their profile description. This is definitely what I want. 

Anak-Anak Ramai di Masjid?

Siapa yang tidak ingin beribadah dengan khusyuk ketika berada di masjid? Insha Allah semua muslim pasti ingin kan? Nah tapi gimana kalau banyak anak-anak kecil rame banget di masjid? Main kejar-kejaran, teriak-teriak, mondar-mandir ke sana kemari? Gimana tuh? Terganggu? Pasti! karena salah satu faktor seseorang dapat beribadah dengan khusyuk adalah suasana yang tenang dan kondusif. Tapiii saya juga tidak setuju sih kalau mereka dimarahi atau bahkan diusir dari masjid. Kenapa? Karena mereka generasi penerus islam. Apa jadinya kalau masjid yang seharusnya menjadi tempat cikal bakal pencetak generasi emas islam namun tidak ramah terhadap mereka? Bagaimana kalau mereka berpaling? Bagaimana kalau mereka pada akhirnya takut pergi ke masjid? Bagaimana kalau perasaan itu bertahan sampai mereka dewasa??

A Beautiful Sunflower Masha Allah

Let this sunflower reminded us, that even if we have different in whatever it is, still we share the same beautiful earth and live under the same sky.