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Trying Zam Cosmetics (Yay or Nay?)

Hellooo everyone, have you ever heard anything about Zam Cosmetics? What do you think about the brand?

Actually for these past few months I have been looking for a local skin care and I want it to be halal, natural, and affordable of course. Someday, accidentally when I was scrolling on instagram, I found a local brand owned by one of the well known Indonesian actress, Zaskia Adya Mecca, Zam Cosmetics. I didn’t know that this brand has a skin care products.

I am so happy that finally I found a local skin care that matches my categories. To find more information about the product, I went into their instagram ( Natural skin care, halal cosmetics and skincare certified by MUI clearly shown in their profile description. This is definitely what I want. 

As I learn from their instagram account, they have five skin care products which represents a five step facial cleansing ways.

1. Step 1, Glow Facial Wash (for facial) with 98% purity mandarin orange
2. Step 2, Glow Skin Water (for toner) with 98% purity mandarin orange
3. Step 3 consist of four different products for four different skin problems :
    - Step 3A, Cucumber Rich Gel (for acne) with 60% purity cucumber
    - Step 3B, Aloe Vera Rich Gel (for dry skin) with 98% purity aloe vera
    - Step 3C, Mandarin Orange Rich Gel (for brighten skin) with 98% purity mandarin orange
    - Step 3D, Seaweed Rich Gel (for age lock) with 97% purity seaweed
4. Step 4, Sun Shield Glow Cream (for sunscreen) with 95% purity mandarin orange and SPF 15
5. Step 5, Gold Skin Treatment (for serum) with 95% purity mandarin orange and consist of gold extract

To be honest, I really really want to try all of them (who don’t?) haha. But in considering that my old facial wash and toner are still there, so I decided to try two products first, Step 3C Mandarin Orange Rich Gel (for brighten skin) and Step 4, Sun Shield Glow Cream (for sunscreen). I choose to try them first because I feel that my skin is dull and need to be brighten a little. Besides, I do need a sunscreen which fit in my combination type skin. The one that is not too thick or too light when applied in my face.

I have tried both of them for two weeks. Aaannndd I love them soo muuuch!! Alhamdulillah. The products are very much like what I want it to be. The Mandarin Orange Rich Gel just like its name its texture is gel and it’s very easy to absorb when applied in my face. What I love about this product is that I don’t feel like I am using anything, so light and make my skin more moist. And the sunscreen is like “this is what I am looking for all this time, where have you’ve been!?” Hahaha. The texture is so moist and blend so good in my skin. It’s not thick and the final colour is perfect, I like it so much. Alhamdulillah.

So, trying Zam Cosmetics Yay or Nay? My answer is absolutely Yay!!
You guys should try it out too.

Good job Zam Cosmetics :)

*this post is my personal opinion and not a sponsor


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