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Jackie Chan is a Masterpiece

watch out, this is a subjective type article, think before read it, can influence your mind. I wrote it, in the middle of the night, while watching UEFA Super Cup, Chelsea versus Atletico Madrid, 0-1 for ATM, I couldn’t sleep that strongly push my fingers to type about something, and in my mind was only to write about Jackie Chan, an actor that I didn’t know somehow I adore.

teasing, come out when the TV channel played Jackie Chan movies for days. some were bored statements, some were dislike words, and the rest even a racial thing. for me, all those statements was not ease my admired to him. I grew up watching Jackie Chan’s movies, with my brother, he always said great things about him, that Jackie Chan never use a stunt man for a dangerous scene. as a little child, of course it was an amazing thing for me.

Later,  I knew that he was not only an actor but also a director and a producer. for years making movies, and as I remember, I watched his movies, weird, I liked them all. Drunken Master, Police Story, Shanghai Noon, Shanghai Knights, Rush Hour, and dozens more. they had the same style that made me knew it was a Jackie Chan’s movie. Perfect. yeah, the scenes were directed well-organized. It made the movies became a good movie at the end.

eventhough he is a great actor, he still a humble man. his life was far away for the sparkling celebrity world. I never knew he was reported doing something glamorous or the like. frequency, the news told about his hard worker and his focus to a movie making. I didn’t even knew about his private life, such as his family. I thought he was not marry yet, but wrong thought, he has two son, that surely, proud become his children.

A masterpiece. an actor who always did his work perfectly. A visioner. the man who knew what to do next. A creative man. his thoughts beyond ordinary people. A humble person. a God creature that dedicate his life to concentrate on what he likes. Maybe that is why I adore him, A Mastepiece, always like that, doing something he like with passion, no matter what people say, he just do it right away. and I think, Jackie, you are the best among the best at your work!

satisfied enough, to pulled out my thoughts and made it into an article. and now, Chelsea versus Atletico Madrid, at the end of the 1st half, 0-3, still for ATM. with no thought about who will be the winner of the game.

Surabaya, September 1st 2012
in a quite good mood

here is the official website of Jackie Chan Jackie Chan Official Website 
and these are his filmography Movies


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