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Showing posts from 2014

Am I Insane?

I think Iam insane. As I grew up I found something weird inside of me. To be honest I have ever felt loneliness sometimes, easily get bored, mood swings quickly, unfocused, and not worth it. I dont think a girl used to be felt those kind of feelings.  I know it sounds silly but I thought I was mentally sick or something wrong in psychologically. Am I crazy? Iam so worried that it took me into psychological test online. I was so afraid of the results. Then voilaa! Alhamdulillaah, thanks God, there was no indication of mental sickness in me. But I still wonder what is wrong with me? And then, once more, Alhamdulillaah, I finally knew what was my problem. It was an ignorance of myself. I couldnt answer a question “Who Am I”? because I never try to understand myself. As an action to answer that question, I took a personality test The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). After took the test I no longer think that Iam insane. I now begin to understand myself better. My strengh and weakne...

Tersenyumlaah :)

Hidup terkadang memaksa kita untuk mundur, atau bahkan memaksa tubuh kita untuk terjatuh. Kata orang hidup itu perjuangan. Kadangkala sedih, kadangkala bahagia. Dasar manusia yang mau enaknya saja, bahagia selamanya. Bagaimana bisa merasakan bahagia jika tidak pernah merasakan kesedihan? Itu sama halnya dengan menyukai manis tanpa pernah mencoba pahit. Ada hal-hal yang seharusnya tidak perlu kita pikirkan terlalu dalam entah sedih atau bahagia karena semuanya bagaikan roda berputar yang senantiasa berganti. Pahit tidak selamanya pahit pun manis tidak selamanya manis. Hati kita memang harus merasakan terluka agar merindu bagaimana rasanya bahagia. Hati kita memang harus merasa sepi agar merindu bagaimana rasanya jenuh. Begitu pula sebaliknya. Maha Besar Allah Yang Maha Membolak-balikkan hati. Bersyukurlah jika hatimu kadang sedih kadang bahagia. Itu berarti hatimu masih hidup. Lewati saja semuanya dengan keyakinan kuat bahwa semua ini tidak selamanya. Tersenyumlah. Kita tidak pernah...

I Heart Banduung :)

Sometimes it is really needed to escape from reality. Doing the same thing every day is boring isnt it? Going another places can boost my mood. Alhamdulillaah I got the chance to go out from daily routines last week. Although I did it with my office partner I pretty thankful anyway. It was an office yearly outing, this time was Bandung, and the most excited thing was, it was totally free! Yeay! 14 hours was spent on train to Bandung that almost drive us crazy, but it was fun. I knew it from the beginning Iam not interested that much in shopping so I asked my friend in Bandung to drag me away from the group itinerary. I wanted to see the real Bandung, something that dont exist in Surabaya. In general, the itinerary was going to Trans Studio (The biggest indoor rides in Indonesia), Cihampeulas (shopping street), Kawah Putih (White Crater), Paris Van Java (Bandung shopping mall icon), Cibaduyut (shopping anything made of leather), Jalan Riau (Factory outlets and Distros), and ...

Bedanya Aku dan Kamu?

Aku dan kamu pasti berbeda. Anak kembar identik saja pasti ada perbedaannya, apalagi ini hanya menyoal  aku dan kamu. Aku begini kamu begitu. Aku suka ini kamu suka itu. Aku biasa begini kamu biasa begitu. Aku tidak suka ini tapi kamu suka. Aku sedang sedih tapi kamu malah bahagia. Aku tidak cukup dengan begini saja sementara kamu cukup begini saja. Aku punya pendapat A, pendapat kamu Z. Aku mau ke kanan kamu maunya ke kiri. Aku hitam kamu putih. Ah, sudahlah, memang sulit menyatukan dua insan, apalagi yang dicari hanya perbedaannya saja. Bukankah hitam memang seharusnya diimbangi dengan putih? Kalau semua hitam bagaimana kita bisa tahu putih kan? Berbeda itu tidak selalu buruk selama tidak mengubah manusia menjadi bukan manusia lagi, apalagi jika hanya menyoal aku dan kamu. Ah, tapi tetap saja, jangan membandingkan aku dengan kamu, karena tidak akan pernah ada habisnya, apa sulitnya saling menerima dan bersatu sih?? Indonesia Bhineka Tunggal Ika Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap sa...

The Work of Imagination

Imagination is something you really need to have sometimes to escape from reality. Well, that was I thought about life, I need to be escape from it sometimes not because I dont like my life but it so much more because I do love my life. I just need to add something different to my mind, an imagination, about another life story, about dreams, or about fiction story, so when I come back to reality I come to realize that I miss it so much, I miss so much to be Me, with all the sad and happy story of my life. And, ehm, because I like to imagine about something, I love the work of some people who really had an amazing imagination. I love the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with his imaginative detective story of Sherlock Holmes,  JRR Tolkien with his imaginative fiction story about The Hobbit and The Lord of The Ring, JK Rowling with her magical fiction story Harry Potter, Suzanne Collins with her amazing imagination about Katniss Everdeen life in The Hunger Games Trilogy, and Veronice ...

Intip Strategi yuk,

kawan, apakah Anda pelanggan Atau baru sebatas melakukan pencarian produk saja di atau bahkan belum pernah mendengar mengenai Baiklah, berikut ini saya menuliskan artikel sedikit mengenai dan strategi bisnis untuk menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan lama. By the way, artikel ini juga saya tuliskan berdasarkan inspirasi dari mata kuliah KTI di kampus saya yang diajarkan oleh Sensei Drs. Achmad Basuki, M.Kom, Ph.D. For more information please visit the expert, tanyakan pada ahlinya ya, saya hanya merangkum dari berbagai sumber yang masih mungkin saya ada kesalahan pemahaman, lets take and share. Semoga bermanfaat :) Perkenalan, Inc adalah sebuah perusahaan internasional perdagangan elektronik Amerika dengan kantor pusat di Seattle, Washington, Amerika Serikat. Pada mulanya Amazon adalah toko buku online yang kemudian saat ini berkembang menjadi toko online terbesar di dunai yang menjual berbagai macam produk sepe...

Happy New Year 2014 people!

2014 is coming, yuhuu, Alhamdulillah, Thanks Allah for giving me the chance to see the new year. I know every year I always hope for lot of resolution. For this 2014, one of my resolution is CLIMB UP A MOUNTAIN, yeeaahh! I’ve dream about it since 2013, I also list it as one of my resolution in 2013, but unfortunately I havent make it come true, I mean, Allah havent allow me. Alright then, I wish I could make it come true this year, 2014 (Amin ya Rabb), at least visit Bromo, hehehe, then Kawan Ijen, and Ranukumbolo in Mt. Semeru. That’s one of my resolution this year, others? Let it be my secret. Love you all, Have a happy, great, fantasic 2014 people!