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Showing posts from 2013

The City That Will Addict you!

I really cant get over it from my head since the first time I read this : “They say New York city never sleeps, have they seen Mekkah?” source : Subhanallaaah. All I just can say is, I have! Alhamdulillah I have been in Mekkah once, and by reading that sentence I really miss to go to Mekkah again. What people say about Mekkah was right, once you go there, you just wanna go there again, again, and again, you'll get addicted!  The memories of walking around Masjidil Haram suddenly filled my mind and my heart, and is kind of hurt when you know nothing of will it be the second chance? I wish I have. I never know. (Allah, take me to Mekkah and Madinah again, pleasee, Amiiin.) city of dreams? And ehm, I know it is too much if I wish I could go to New York city too, since it is almost impossible for me, now, to buy the ticket, but who knows? the Wright brothers used to think that

Bacaa dulu dooong :)

Kebanyakan dari kita itu malas membaca mungkin adalah sebuah kenyataan yang selama ini tidak terlalu saya rasakan. Tapi akhir-akhir ini saya benar-benar merasakan sebuah fakta luar biasa yang menyatakan, kebanyakan dari kita itu malas membaca! Jadi begini ceritanya, semenjak saya bekerja di salah satu perusahaan swasta terbesar di Jawa Timur di bidang jasa setahun yang lalu, saya merasakan ada fenomena tidak baik di kebanyakan masyarakat kita. Entah karena terlalu sibuk dengan aktivitas keseharian mereka atau bagaimana, selengkap apapun brosur ataupun pamflet yang kami berikan guna memudahkan konsumen untuk memahami produk kami tetap saja yang pertama kali dilakukan adalah, bertanya! Iya kalau dibaca dulu trus ada pertanyaan kan wajar, lah ini belum dibaca sudah ada pertanyaan yang jawabannya itu sebenarnya sudah ada semua di brosur. OMG banget lah. Salah satu buktinya lagi yang paling parah biasanya waktu pameran. Namanya juga pameran, pasti antar satu dengan yang lain berlomb

Are you bored?

I know you are bored All you wanted to do it just get the hell out of those things, arent you? The feeling when you get stuck on a sucks things Feels like an idiot you have tons of books and million ideas, it kills you, doesnt it? I bet you just want to own the night Sit at the corner of your room gaze at the clear night sky on the window The stars are so bright and the moon seems like smile to you Beautiful So you just want to read all your tons of books and write your million ideas Sing your damn favourite song, yelling, shouting, screaming, no one will pay attention! you feel happy, sad, free, confuse, and lonely at the same time while you keep reading your books and write your ideas on a pieces of papers you totally willing to go out travel the world at the time on the night it’s so stupid but 100% true Because you know what? Quiet people have the loudest minds I can’t imagine how could you live such life? My suggestion is just think more abo

Iam a Special Agent?!?

Ive been thinking about being a spy is cool. I dont know if it because I watched too many Hollywood movies or what but I do feel it must be a good idea being a spy, hahaha. I grew up with James Bond Series, Alias Series, CSI Series, Salt, Mission Impossible Series, The Bourne Series, Mr and Mrs Smith, XXX Series, etc. See? Isn’t it cool when an ordinary “human being”, same as me, can be that superior in every part of their self? They have a high IQ, strong in physical, good in fighting, and almost have no emotions! How could? They just genius and strong at the same time. Moreover, something that I failed to imagine was how could they always get through a chaos? The bullet even can touch them at all ! Is it true they are exist in this real world? If it yes, I’d really really love to be like them. So just don’t talk to me about spying thing, FBI, CIA, NSA, Special Agent, KGB, etc, because damn, Iam obsessed! Sunday, Sept 15th 13, 11:04. After watching “The Bourne Legacy” Hahaha


Taylor Swift knows how to make a good song! you go gals! It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters And make fun of our ex's, uh uh, uh uh. It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight To fall in love with strangers, uh uh, uh uh. Yeah, We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time It's miserable and magical. Oh, yeah Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines It's time Uh oh! I don't know about you But I'm feeling 22 Everything will be alright If you keep me next to you You don't know about me But I'll bet you want to Everything will be alright If we just keep dancing like we're 22, ooh-ooh 22, ooh-ooh

Even the Moon "Talks" to Me

beautiful is'nt it? If I have to choose between the night or the morning I would be confuse because I like both of them. They both has their own way to make people fall in love with them. But these days I have to be honest with my self that I’ve been fall in love with the night more. I love the air, the trees, the road, the lights, the people,   and especially the sky. Everything are different when the night has come. The “loneliness feeling” sometimes drive me into a comfortable situation, you know, the feeling of just being alone in your own room with the windows open, just gaze at the sky, looking for the moon, the bright shine of the stars, read something, write something, or even thinking about someone! haha. It was just you with the whole world around you, in your mind, in your heart, in your eyes, in your ear, in your imagination. Once again, everything are so different when the night has come. The moon seems to talk to me that “hey, look at me, Iam in a beautiful fo

9 Summers 10 Autumns :')

Selalu ada harapan dalam setiap nafas. Tak semua awal yang buruk berakhir juga dengan buruk. Allah SWT menganugerahkan kita otak untuk berpikir, hati untuk meresapi rasa, dan lima panca indera untuk menjajaki kehidupan. Begitulah , mungkin, cara orang “besar” memaknai kehidupan ini. Semua berawal dari mimpi, dan inilah salah satu kisah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan. Well, part of story I always love :* 9 Summers 10 Autumns inspiring book :') Iwan Setyawan, lahir pada 2 Desember 1974 di kota Batu, Malang, Jawa Timur ditengah-tengah keluarga yang sangat sederhana. Ia adalah anak ke-3 dari 5 bersaudara, dan satu-satunya anak laki-laki dalam keluarganya. Ayahnya bekerja sebagai supir angkutan umum di Batu, sementara Ibunya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Mereka hidup dalam kesederhanaan di sebuah rumah kecil di bawah Gunung Panderman. Cinta yang begitu besar dari orang tua dan ke-empat saudarnya berhasil menciptakan kehangatan dalam rumah kecil milik Iwan. Berawal dari si

Eid Mubarak 1434 H, Alhamdulillaaah :')

image by morningcommunications :) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar 3x Alhamdulillaah. Rasa syukur bercampur bahagia dan haru mendengar takbir berkumandang. Haru karena waktu 29 hari yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT untuk menikmati Ramadhan tiba pada hari yang ke-29, pertanda bahwa bulan segera berganti. Bahagia karena Syawal akhirnya mengintip dengan segala kemeriahannya. Lebaran telah dataaaanngg temaans, horraaayy. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, lebaran kali ini benar-benar berbeda. Tahun ini adalah lebaran pertama kalinya saya sudah bekerja. Itu artinya kalau sudah bekerja sudah dapat gaji bulanan, itu artinya kalau sudah setahun kerja dapat Tunjangan Hari Raya (THR), itu artinya lagi bisa bagi-bagi THR ke saudara-saudari kecil dalam keluarga. 

Ramadhan Je t'aime :)

    Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. Alhamdulillaaah. Subhanallah, Engkaulah Zat yang Maha Terpuji. Allahu Akbar, begitu hebatNya karunia yang Allah berikan pada hambaNya, Allah menciptakan bulan yang sungguh sangat dicintai oleh tiap hambaNya yang beriman. Tiada bulan lain yg sangat dirindukan kedatangannya dalam tiap tahun kehidupan kita kecuali Ramadhan. Suasana Ramadhan selalu saja nikmat, penuh dengan kebaikan dalam tiap nafasnya. Bayangkan saja, masjid-masjid selalu penuh dg para pencari rahmatNya, banyak doa yang dilangitkan, hingga udara di bulan ini sejuk sekali rasanya. Langit malam Ramadhan senantiasa dihiasi dg bacaan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran. Silaturahim dg sanak saudara dan sahabat karib menjadi agenda yg wajib yg tdk blh dilewatkan, berbagi cerita bersama di bulan penuh ampunan. Belum lagi nikmatnya melihat senyum anak yatim yg senantiasa terkembang oleh karena hambaNya yg rajin bershodaqoh pada bulan ini. Teringat tiap Ramadhan selalu saja sulit mencar

#Ignore it (you dont want to read it)

I keep thinking on the same thing for this past two weeks knowing my office not as crowded as usual yeah my mind quickly turn into imagination. All I did was just browsing-stalking actually-others website (blog, tumblr, youtube channel) which I think they were great. I said great here not because these people have lots of awards or they have good reputation, no, but they just know to live their life, they know what makes them happy, and they know how to do what they love to do. Iam jeolous honestly, I already know that being young means being free and wild (positive ways okey?), uurghh just please tell me how to feel young, free, and wild?, okey forget that, stupid question. Iam happy with my Life, Alhamdulillah, keeping jeolous with others life story is not a good option. Maybe I just need something new, something young people now called it mood booster, something that can get me on fire again, raaawwwrrr. Oh my God, I dont know what it is, ignore it. 06.07.13 in they way of searc

Greetings :)

haloooo, Assalamualaikum brother sister :) Alhamdulillaaah, I just got back home from Umroh. I promise I'll write about my Umroh experience soon. -MakkahMadinahDreamComeTrue-

Office Hours #4

i post another thing about office hours #4 , probably lil bit narcis, haha, enjoy! :3 it's me and my office friends, you can see there are mb nai, mb mons, mb yen, mb intan, bebeb metri, mb candra, and ms agung :) -we are shafira's crew-

Lucu :3

Momen lucu yang sebenernya biasa ajaa itu ketika kamu bilang nitip sesuatu ke kakak kamu yang super duper cuek dan ketika ditanyain sama ibuk, hah? Beli susu buat siapa? Buat adik, adiknya siapa? Adikku. Singkat, padat, dan jelas. and I love him :3

Izinkan Merantau pleaseee

Keinginan untuk merantau tiba-tiba muncul ketika kuliah. Mungkin karena saat kuliah ketemu temen2 yang multicultural, dari berbagai daerah. Alhasil aku sering berkumpul dengan teman-teman yang sedang dalam masa perantauan. Sejujurnya, aku bukan dari keluarga yang suka merantau, yaa tipe orang jawa yang nyaman tinggal di tempat kelahiran. Tapi entah bagaimana pengaruh itu begitu besar hingga timbullah hasrat untuk merantau. Mengapa harus merantau? Ada banyak hal yang menjadi pertimbangan. Pertama, merantau tentu saja bisa membuat kita lebih mandiri. Kedua, merantau melatih kita untuk mendayagunakan segala yang kita punya untuk bertahan dalam perantauan. Ketiga, merantau bisa membuat kita menyadari betapa cintanya kita pada hal-hal yang kita tinggalkan, hehe.

Complicated Me

Akhir-akhir ini tidak produktif, sangat malah. Padahal untuk mengatasi masa-masa bosan dan jenuh dengan aktifitas, Alhamdulillah aku selalu menemukan cara yang cukup efektif, nyetok buku. Yup, stok buku kali ini “Berjalan di atas cahaya” by Hanum Rais dan “9 Summers 10 Autumns” by Iwan Kurniawan. Nice book isnt it? Pilihan buku pertama yang dibaca jatuh pada   “Berjalan di atas cahaya”, FYI guys, until now on I havent finish yet reading this book while I had bought it months ago! what a thing! Entahlah kenapa bisa begitu. Next activity I used to do when Iam getting bored is writing. Poor me, you can see there’s no new post in my blog. I havent write anything for months! Haaaiish. Okey, I talked to mysefl to try another activity to showing up my spirit. Meets up with friends, yippii!! Beberapa waktu yang lalu ketemuan sama thong2, my best sister, daaan cerita ngalor ngidul mengenai kehidupan kita masing-masing after college. Alhamdulillah, Iam feeling better. Seperti biasa,   bicara

Office Hours #3

Pengalaman menjadi Customer Service (CS) sebuah perusahaan jasa membuat saya belajar banyak hal. Siapa bilang menjadi CS itu gampang? Apalagi ini sudah taraf harus profesional! Bukan main-main lah pokoknya. Sejak awal sebenarnya sudah dilatih untuk menghadapi Customer, poin pentingnya harus bisa membaca bagaimana karakter orang tersebut, mulai dari yang baik banget sampe yang cerewet banget (tidak ada yang jahat karena saya rasa tidak ada orang dengan karakter jahat, hanya saja bisikan setan dan kesempatan berbuat jahat yang membuat orang lain menyebut dia jahat) sehingga kita bisa tahu bagaimana cara memperlakukan orang tersebut.

It's My Mind did This

Postcard (My First)

It’s my first postcard given by Tatbita Titin S. Aka Si Gembul Satu. Iam so glad to have this, thank youuuu gembul, I love it (semoga ketularan) :* Ubudiah Mosque, Malaysia. My First Postcard. *Officially opened in 1917, the Ubudiah Mosque in the royal town of Kuala Kangsar, Perak is one of the most beautiful mosques in Malaysia.

A Dinner (Special) Conversation

There was a story between a man and his wife. Once upon a time, they had a dinner in a small restaurant at the side of the street where they used to date years ago. The wife, without knowing by her husband suddenly go outside and had a talk with the chef that also owned the restaurant. They had a long conversation and looked so close each other. As she went back to her husband and sat down , her husband asked her “Do you know him?”. His wife answered, “yes of course, he was my ex when I was in high school”. “Waaoow, if only you were married with him, you would have a restaurant that have this delicious food”, her husband said. “No, if only I were married with him, he would be the president”, said his wife strongly. well, guys, that was the dialog between Barrack Obama and Michele Obama . -just another story-

Word That Inspire #2

Bangkitlah, ciptakan dunia baru. bungkus dirimu dalam api, jadilah seorang Ibrahim. Jangan mau tunduk kepada apa pun kecuali kebenaran. Ia akan menjadikanmu seekor singa jantan.           -Muhammad Iqbal,Pemikir Muslim, Pakistan-